IANA time zone database
IANA time zone database
time zone acronyms |
zone changes |
cutoff date |
pre-1970 |
uninhabited territory |
file - backward
release management |
bugs |
proposals |
IANA time zone database - time zone acronyms
IANA time zone database - bugs
Zone terminology
Guy Harris 2013-09-18 23:37:48 http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2013-September/020284.html
So I prefer terms such as "tzdb zone" to refer to those things that have tzids. I'm not wedded to *that* term, but there should be *some* term other than "time zone" for that.
The tzdb currently does not have a concept of "time zone" in the sense of a region with a specified base time offset; are you suggesting that it add one?
- territory 001 - might refer to the UN M.49 code for "World".
Zone changes
-AQ -7750+16636 Antarctica/McMurdo McMurdo Station, Ross Island -AQ -9000+00000 Antarctica/South_Pole Amundsen-Scott Station, South Pole +AQ -7750+16636 Pacific/Auckland McMurdo, South Pole, Scott (New Zealand time)
So Pacific/Auckland now has two pairs of coordinates, the new AQ-one and the old NZ-one.
NZ -3652+17446 Pacific/Auckland most locations
- Connecting Vaduz to Bern Mean Time