Julia programming language

From annawiki


Speed comparison



  1. https://redmonk.com/sogrady/2018/08/10/language-rankings-6-18/ #36



  1. 2018-08 : 50 Julia 0.156% , "Julia re-entered the top 50"



  • Input of Unicode character in single quotes
    • \u followed by up to four hexadecimal digits or
    • \U followed by up to eight hexadecimal digits

Cc: Other, control
Cn: Other, not assigned
In: Invalid, too high
Ll: Letter, lowercase
Lu: Letter, uppercase
Ma: Malformed, bad data
Po: Punctuation, other
Sm: Symbol, math
Zs: Separator, space

Not in the doc: the classes are from https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode11.0.0/ch04.pdf#G134153


  • must begin with a letter (A-Z or a-z), underscore, or a subset of Unicode code points greater than 00A0; in particular, Unicode character categories Lu/Ll/Lt/Lm/Lo/Nl (letters), Sc/So (currency and other symbols), and a few other letter-like characters (e.g. a subset of the Sm math symbols) are allowed. [WHICH?]
  • Subsequent characters may also include ! and digits (0-9 and other [WHICH?] characters in categories Nd/No), as well as other Unicode code points: diacritics and other modifying marks (categories Mn/Mc/Me/Sk), some punctuation connectors (category Pc), primes, and a few other [WHICH?] characters.