
From annawiki


Easy question: How, using Windows OS and FREE software, to convert a MS Word or PDF document into

Maybe additionally the output intent needs to be specified http://www.gwg.org/doc_pdfxoutputintent.phtml

Answer: (None)

Differences between PDF/A and PDF/X

PDF/A already has font embedding, so by creating PDF/A one may come closer than with some PDFs that don't have fonts embedded

Claim that it is impossible

As of 2012-12-10 http://freepdfxp.de/xpinfo.html is claiming it cannot be done: "Liefert eine Anwendung Bilder im RGB Format, macht es auch für FreePDF und Ghostscript keinen Sinn, diese nach CMYK zu wandeln. Microsoft Office ist z.B. ein RGB Kandidat - mit MS Office Produkten kann deshalb niemals etwas an eine Druckerei gegeben werden, wenn es auf die Farben ankommt. "

ca.: "makes no sense for FreePDF and Ghostscript to convert to CMYK" ... "with MS Office products one can never deliver anything to a print shop if colors matter"

Otherwise FreePDF, along with CutePDF are the tools that produce PDFs for which no visual deviation from the word.doc could be found. Nitro is quite good too with only a small deviation. EasyPDF failed. UniversalDocumentConverter did produce files that had a size of 10*Nitro-size.

http://meiradarocha.jor.br/news/2012/08/25/como-criar-um-documento-pdfx-3-com-o-ghostscript/ claims it can be done.

http://www.callassoftware.com/callas/doku.php/en:products:pdftoolbox claims to be able to do the conversation. As of 2012-12-10 the software is offered for 499 EUR.

Official and semi-official pages

Official or semi-official publicly available pages are not well maintained.


http://www.pdfx.info redirects to pdfreport.com

http://www.pdfxreport.com/doku.php?id=en:about "This website is currently maintained by Olaf Drümmer (Email to pdfx.info admin )"

  • Olaf Drümmer Geschäftsführer callas software GmbH - the company earns money with sale of PDF tools
    • Wikipedia: " Er ist Mitglied in mehreren internationalen Institutionen und Verbänden, wie DIN e. V., European Color Initiative (ECI), Ghent PDF-Workgroup, PDF/A Competence Center, PDF Association und PDF/X-ready.[4] Drümmer ist Vorsitzender der ECI (seit 2007) sowie der PDF Association (seit 2010), und leitet im BITKOM den Arbeitskreis ECM-Standards."
  • the email address given for reporting errors is info AT pdfx.info - but for several reports sent there, the mailer reported delivery problems.


There is also the GWG website, but they too have outdated information as confirmed by the person that replied to a report sent to support AT gwg.org.

And this person was from enfocus ... another company earning money with sale of PDF tools.


http://www.bvdm-online.de/aktuelles/downloads.php?Action=GetFile&FileID=19 mentions "PDF/X-3 Inspector (Freeware)" but after going the long path

One ends up with : "PDF/X-3 Inspector (Freeware) ... Before downloading… Please note that in order to run PDF/X-3 Inspector (Freeware) the full version of Adobe Acrobat version 5.05 is required. PDF/X-3 Inspector does not run with the free Acrobat Reader."

Other pages

Apache OpenOffice (fails to properly open the doc anyway)

LibreOffice 6.. (fails to properly open the doc anyway)


  • no PDF/X-3 option, but PDF/A-1b with font embedding full or subset is possible.
