
From annawiki


20 consonants or semivowels

  • 10 pairs: nm pb td kg sz cq fv xh rl jw (1x nasal, 3x plosive, 4x fricative, 1x other, 1x semivowel)

Sound values:

  • c = English sh (IPA: [ʃ])
  • q = English zh (IPA: [ʒ])
  • y = IPA [ə]
  • all other as in IPA.

20 base numerals from 0 to 19:

  • monosyllabic, format CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant)
  • C1: unique in first letter
  • V: vowels in order o-a-e-i
  • C2: third letter one of the first letters from the seven pairs: nm pb td kg sz fv rl; pairs cq hx jw not used
  • C2: third letter for numerals next to each other differs
  • V-C2: unique in combination of second and third letter [! currently not fulfilled]
  • C1-C2: first and third letter differ [! currently not fulfilled]
  • optimized for different bases: 2, 8 (octal), 12 (duodecimal), 16 (hexadecimal), allowing up to base 20 (vigesimal)
base 2
base 10
base 16
C1 V1 C2 Chem. el. name (English) Chem. el. symbol Chem. el. name (systematic)
0 0 0 n o l - - -
1 1 1 m a n Hydrogen Nm Nomaum
10 2 2 b e t Helium Nb Nobeum
11 3 3 d i r Lithium Nd Nodium
100 4 4 g o t Beryllium Ng Nogoum
101 5 5 v a r Boron Nv Novaum
110 6 6 z e s Carbon Nz Nozeum
111 7 7 q i p Nitrogen Nq Noqium
1000 8 8 h o k Oxygen Nh Nohoum
1001 9 9 p a f Fluorin Np Nopaum
1010 10 A t e k Neon Nt Noteum
1011 11 B k i n Sodium Nk Nokium
1100 12 C f o p Magnesium Nf Nofoum
1101 13 D s a s Aluminium Ns Nosaum
1110 14 E c e p Silicon Nc Noceum
1111 15 F x i s Phosphorus Nx Noxium
10000 16 10 l o f Sulfur Mn Manoum
10001 17 11 r a t Chlorine Mm Mamaum
10010 18 12 j e f Argon Mb Mabeum
10011 19 13 w i k Potassium Mt Matium
10100 20 14 Calcium Mk Makoum
10101 21 15 Scan­dium Ms Masaum
10110 22 16 Tita­nium Mc Maceum
10111 23 17 Vanadium Ms Masium
11000 24 18 Chrom­ium Ml Maloum
10000000 128 80 Unbioct­ium Ln Lonoum
11111111 255 FF Bipentpentium Rr Ririum


first   manero
second  betero
third   direro
fourth  gotero
fifth   zarero


primary    manari
secondary  betari
tertiary   dirari
quaternary gotari
quinary    zarari


onefold   single manupe
twofold   double betupe
threefold triple dirupe


unary    manari  
binary   betari
ternary  dirari


?        man-  
half     bet-
third    dir-


Hydrogen  maum
Helium    beum
Lith­ium   dium
Beryl­lium gaum
Boron     zaum

External links