Ubuntu USB

From annawiki

Create data on the USB drive

Download UUI


Proper creation of autorun.inf might be blocked by firewall. So either disable that, or copy text as given below into that file.

As of 2014-09-08 the content of this file as found by ANNAinfo is:

label=Install Ubuntu



That page also talks about Grub and installation of Grub into the USB drive.

Booting from USB

  • https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Booting_the_Computer_from_USB
    • Press the function key to enter the boot menu when your computer is booting. Typically, the boot screen displays which key you need to press. It maybe one of F12, F10. Note: with some motherboards you have to select 'hard disk/USB-HDD0' to choose the USB flash disk. It may work like this because the system sees the USB drive 'a mass storage device' as a hard disk drive, and it should be at the top of the boot order list.
    • Page suggests to change the BIOS: "So you need to edit the Boot Order."