Japanese martial art

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-do, -jutsu

Kanji Latin English -do 道 -jutsu 術
合 気 aiki
  • 合 - ai - joining, unifying, combining, fit
  • 気 - ki - spirit, energy, mood, morale
合気道 – aikidō
  • war / martial
bujutsu - "science of war" or "martial craft."
古武 ko bu
  • ko - old, classic
古武道 - kobudō/ ko-budō
武士 bushi warrior
  • 武 - war / martial
  • 士 - gentleman
武士道 - bushidō - "the way of the warrior"
剣/劍 ken
  • sword
剣道 - kendō - "Way of The Sword" 剣術 - kenjutsu
真劍 shinken
  • 真 - shin - serious
  • 剣 - sword
十手 jitte (a weapon) 十手術 - jittejutsu
銃剣 jūken 銃剣道 - jūkendō
  • gentle
柔道 - judō 柔術 - jujutsu
居合 iai
  • 居 - i / iru - being present
  • 合 - ai - fitting (immediate reaction to an action)
"the way of mental presence and immediate reaction." 居合術 - iaijutsu - art of drawing the sword
抜刀 battō 抜刀術 - battōjutsu - "art of drawing the sword"
槍術 - sōjutsu - "art of the spear"
staff 棒術 - bōjutsu - "staff technique"
a short staff 杖道 - jōdō - "the way of the jō" 杖術 - jōjutsu
長刀 / 薙刀 naginata (a weapon) naginata-dō 長刀術 - naginatajutsu
nin 忍術 - ninjutsu
ba horse 馬術 - bajutsu
tai body 体術 - taijutsu - "body technique" / "body skill"
短刀 tantō (a weapon), "short sword" 短刀術 - tantōjutsu
鎖鎌 kusarigama (a weapon) 鎖鎌術 - kusarigamajutsu
手裏剣 shuriken "sword hidden in the hand" 手裏剣術 - shurikenjutsu
火薬 kayaku 火薬術 - kayakujutsu - "art of gunpowder"
  • 変 - (on:) hen - change, transform, alter
  • 装 - (on:) sō - dress, clothes
変装術 - hensōjutsu
隠遁 inton 隠遁術 - intonjutsu - "disappearing technique"


po - principle, law, method, dharma

  • 拳法 kenpo / kempo : 拳 - fist?hand
    • 少林寺拳法 - shorinji kempo : 少 - few/ little/ inadequate, 林 - wood, 寺 - temple
      • Chinese: 少林寺; pinyin: Shàolín Sì
  • 忍法 ninpo : 忍 - endure, bear, suffer, forbear


  • 道場 - dōjō - "place of the way"
  • 道場訓 - dōjōkun - rules of the dōjō

Counting and ranks

Arab -段 -dan
1 初段 Shodan
2 二段/弐段 Nidan
3 三段/参段 Sandan
4 四段 Yondan
5 五段 Godan
6 六段 Rokudan
7 七段 Nanadan
8 八段 Hachidan
9 九段 Kyudan
10 十段 Jūdan