IANA time zone database

From annawiki


Special abbreviations

  • LMT - local mean time

Composing parts

position from right Letter Meaning Occurrence
1 T Time always
2 D Daylight (Saving) (DST 1:00)
2 S Standard several
2 S Summer (DST 1:00) europe file: e.g. BST British Summer Time, CEST Central European Summer Time
2 W War northamerica file: US and Mexico
2 P Peace northamerica file: US
2 M Mean europe file: MMT # Moscow Mean Time
2 M Midsummer (DST 2:00) europe file: Moscow - M # Midsummer, also for Spain, France, Germany/SovietZone
32 LM Local Mean several
32 DS Double Summer europe file: MDST # Moscow Double Summer Time, BDST - British Double Summer Time
32 DD Double Daylight Saving Time northamerica file: StJohns 1988)
32 HS half summer time? (DST 0:30) australasia file: Pacific/Rarotonga CK%sT and "HS"
32 HD half daylight saving time? (DST 0:30)
  • northamerica file: Rule Belize 1918-1942
  • northamerica file: Rule DR 1969-1973


Some fixes can be found at ANNA time zone database.

Country Description Open since at least Why not fixed?
Australia EST and CST are used as acronyms for AEST/AEDT and CEST/CEDT, i.e. during DST one cannot tell from the acronym what zone is meant. 2006-06-02 04:08:36 [1] TZ coordinator (Paul Eggert) does not want to fix
Indonesia WIT means Western Indonesian Time, but in local Indonesian language, WIT stands for Waktu Indonesia Timur (Eastern Indonesian Time), change requests - without mentioning the ambiguity - go back to 2003 [2] 2013-02-13 14:17:58 [3] TZ coordinator (Paul Eggert) does not fix
Norway No IANA zone defined for Bouvet Island while Norwegian law sets a standard time http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.time.tz/5218/ 2012-05-29 18:32:23 [4] TZ coordinator (Paul Eggert) does not want to fix
  • Zones in Siberia are wrong
  • patch provided 2012-05-02 22:18:43 by Arthur David Olson [5]
2011-09-17 16:12:16 [6] TZ coordinator (Paul Eggert) does not fix - reason unknown




  • territory 001 - might refer to the UN M.49 code for "World".