- ch
- ng
- sh
Sounds that could be written using other characters
- ch = tsh
- x = ks
- q = kw
ASCII monographs that have different meanings in Unish and in IPA and cannot be written using other characters
- Affricates
- j = [dʒ]
- Other
- y = [j]
Non-phonemic writing
- [ks] can be written
- x, e.g. max, taxi
- ks, e.g. aksel, aksesori
- [kw] can be written
- q, e.g. eqip
- kw - no example in Unish%20Vocabulary%20List_v2.0%20(201206).pdf
- [tʃ]
- ch, e.g. cha
- tsh - no example in Unish%20Vocabulary%20List_v2.0%20(201206).pdf
On the page http://www.unish.org/introduce/e_unish_Pronunciation.jsp it says for q:
q is pronounced as in quick
But it also says
For w there is a reference to the w in wood.
The q in quick is spoken as [k] as in IPA.
So either the q is spoken as
- k as in IPA, ca. the q as in quick
- kw as in IPA, the qu in quick
So maybe it is correct to write for q
1) [kw] 2) q is pronounced as qu in quick
On the page http://www.unish.org/introduce/e_unish_Pronunciation.jsp it says for y:
[y] as y in yellow
If the notation [y] refers to IPA, then it might be correct to write for y:
[j] as y in yellow
Plural clashes with month names
The plural is creates with the suffix -s.
According to http://www.unish.org/introduce/e_unish_Word.jsp
- 1) Ordinal numbers are created with suffix -me.
- 2) Month names are created with the suffix -mes.
That means "unmes" (January) looks like a plural of "unme" (first). In German a plural and use as noun is possible, e.g. "Die Ersten die kamen." "The first [people] that came."
One ends in -a
- upward : uparda
- backward : bakard
- downward : daunard
- forward : forard