Internationalized time point unique time zone abbreviations
If time zone abbreviations for a given point in time are unique they can be used to faster find IANA time zones. The current abbreviations are not unique, e.g. IST could stand for Indian Standard Time and for Israel Standard Time.
Since the IANA time zone database cutoff point is 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z and the first publication of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes occurred in the early 1970s, one could easily use the country codes to separate sets of abbreviations between countries.
One rule sometimes used in the IANA time zone database for creating new abbreviations is to use the ISO alpha-2 country codes. The idea presented here applies such a rule rigidly.
Apart from that the idea presented also applies rigid rules for marcation of offset changes like daylight saving time.
One can derive the country of the time zone to which the abbreviation belongs from the abbreviation and from knowledge of the current ISO country code for that country. This is not possible with current IANA time zone database abbreviations like CET, IST, EDT, GALT, EAST, CT (e.g. Cuba Time), CUT (1924 Central Ukraine Time).
One can group the abbreviations by country, alone by alphabetic sorting of the abbreviations. This is not possible with current IANA time zone database abbreviations like CST (US), CT (Cuba), PST (US).
If the year is known, one can identify the time zone for any given abbreviation. This is not possible with current IANA time zone database abbreviations like IST.
Reduces the number of IANA time zones for some abbreviations, e.g. IST is used for Asia/Jerusalem, Asia/Kolkata, while INCT/INZT would only refer to Asia/Kolkata.
D0) General
- D0.1) DST - Daylight saving time
- D0.2) Format: "<CC><LC><(OC)>T" #abbreviations would be four or five letters long. Details in D1 to D4.
D1) CC - country code and similar
- ISO alpha-2 country code or,
- a special code like "EU" or,
- a code from the private use area to define larger regions, e.g.:
- XE - "East" for UTC offsets zones having positive offset
- XW - "West" for UTC offsets zones having negative offset
- ZZ - the whole world, used for UTC and UTC offset zones, details see examples.
D2) LC - location code and similar
- D2.1) A character from the set [A-Z], unique for each real time zone within the country. Preferably not from the set [SDF] or any letter agreed in D3 for offset changes
- D2.2) A character from the set [0-9] for numbered zones, e.g. in Russia.
- D2.3) The letter C (Common Time) for the most common time, maybe also N derived from "National Time".
- D2.4) The letter Z could be used if there is only one time zone. Could be dropped for countries that only have one zone, but mandatory per D0.2).
- D2.5) For UTC offset zones that start with ZZ, when using date-time group (DTG) letters, the letter G - not the letter L to make changing into or from E harder. Otherwise either E for East or W for West, as defined in D1.
D3) OC - seasonal offset code and similar
- D3.1) for DST a letter from the set [SD], preferably "D" since "S" in some contexts stands for "standard time" So even if in Europe the term "summer time" is more common, the preferred presentation uses unambiguous "D"
- D3.2) For wartime maybe the letter W or F as in forward time, W in D2 stands for West.
- D3.3) For double summer time - to be defined, maybe M for midsummer time
- D3.4) For absence of any extra rules "standard time", the letter Z is optional.
- D3.5) For UTC offset zones: a digit.
D4) T
As currently done in English to indicate "Time".
E1) No DST
CUCT - Cuba (Common) Time#in IANA tzdb northamerica 8.54 is CT THCT - Thailand (Common) Time USET - US Eastern Time USCT - US Central Time USPT - US Pacific Time CAET - Canada Eastern Time CLCT - Chile (Common) Time #Continental Time CLET - Chile Eastern Time #Easter Islands, which in the IANA tzdb is EAS%sT ECCT - Ecuador (Common) Time #Continental Time ECGT - Galapagos Time #which in the IANA tzdb is GALT RUOT - Omsk Time #in IANA tzdb is OMST, could be read as Oman Summer/Standard Time RUMT - Moscow Time #Maybe RUCT - Russia Central/Common Time or RUNT - Russia National Time RUKT - Kaliningrad Time RUIT - Irkutsk Time RUVT - Volgograd Time #in IANA tzdb was VOLT Optional: RU1T - Russia First Time Zone Optional: RU2T - Russia Second Time Zone EUCT - Central European Time #Some countries that use this time, are not in the EU. EUWT - Western European Time #See comment for EUCT EUET - Eastern European Time #See comment for EUCT XACT - ASEAN Common Time XE01T - UTC+01 XE08T - UTC+08 XE13T - UTC+13 XW06T - UTC-06 XW11T - UTC-11 ZZZT - UTC ZZE1T - UTC+01 ZZE8T - UTC+08 ZZEAT - UTC+10 # A = hexadecimal for 10 ZZEDT - UTC+13 # A = hexadecimal for 13 ZZW6T - UTC-06 ZZWBT - UTC-11 # B = hexadecimal for 11 #Letters from the NATO(?) date-time group #taken from ZZGZT - UTC±00 ZZGAT - UTC+01 ZZGHT - UTC+08 ZZGKT - UTC+10 ZZGST - UTC-06 ZZGXT - UTC-11
E2) With DST
#for meaning of the third letter see section E2 USEDT USCDT USPDT CAEDT RUMDT # Daylight saving time or "decree time" EUCDT #preferred as defined in D3.1