Ma notation

From annawiki



base 2

2 = 2^1

2 is the smallest value for the base in the operations of the hyperoperation sequence that results in values depending on the exponent b for all operations.

base 4

4 = 2^2 = 2*2 = 2+2 (exponentiation, multiplication, addition)

base 8

8 = 2^2^2

base 16

16 = 2^^2 (tetration)

Cycles that fit with the above bases

Cycle 4

Soccer World Cups, Regional Cups, Olympic Summer Games have a 4 year cycle.

Elections in some countries have a 4 year cycle.



Sound groups:

  • nasal = 2
  • nasal + plosive = 8
  • nasal + plosive + fricative = 16

In each of the groups nasal, plosive, fricative, the order labial, coronal, dorsal is followed.


  • 9,
  • 11,
    • the Latin symbols have the value of the IPA, the symbols are pronounced similar in several languages
  • 15,
    • even positions are voiceless
    • each voiceless is even
    • uneven are voiced



base 2

extra for base 4

extra for base 8

extra for base 12

extra for base 16



Numeral system


Use grouping by 4 like in East Asia Myriad

Also for the part after the hexadecimal separator has grouping by 3 (physics) and by 5 (maths). Unify these.


For naming of larger numbers use something like

  • 2^4 = 10^1 = tip
  • 10^2 = pip
  • 10^3 = bip
  • 10^4 = tip
(10^4)^1 NM^T^N 1 0000 (ni)tinum (n=1)
(10^4)^2 NM^T^P 1 0000 0000 squared myriad pitinum (p=2)
(10^4)^3 NM^T^B 1 0000 0000 0000 cubic myriad bitinum (b=3)
(10^4)^4 NM^T^T 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 quartic myriad titinum (t=4)

Unit prefixes

  • kilo-gram ~ niti-gram
  • mega-gram ~ piti-gram
  • niti-joule, piti-joule
  • piti-byte

Finger counting


"The Argadorian Date Line (ADL = Argadora Datolinio / Argadorian Date Line) runs along the Argadorian Prime Meridian, which lies on 168,5° (= 168°30') longitude west of Greenwich. This meridian together with an area of maybe about ¼° on both sides of it touches as the, according to my knowledge, only meridian in its course only one small land mass other than Antarctica (= Aoiketa ≈ Nota), namely the Aleutian island Umnak. Apart from these, it runs solely through the Pacific Ocean. As far as I know, there are no other meridians which touch as few lands inhabited by humans as those between approximatly 168¼º and 168¾° longitude west of Greenwich." (

Compass direction

Hex English English acronym
.0 North N
.8 South S
.4 East E
.C West W
.2 Northeast NE
.6 Southeast SE
.A Southwest SW
.E Northwest NW
.1 North-northeast NNE
.3 East-northeast ENE
.5 East-southeast ESE
.7 South-southeast SSE
.9 South-southwest SSW
.B West-southwest WSW
.D West-northwest WNW
.F North-northwest NNW


  • 1 hexsec = 1 day / 2^16 = 24*60*60 sec / 2^16 = (86400/65536) sec = 1.318359375 sec


ISO HE hex Note
-49152 0 0
-45056 4096 1000 first four digit year in hex
-39152 10000 2710
-9830 39322 999A starting with that year all 4-character hex notations until FFFF will include a letter and distinguish the notation from other systems of year notation.
-9040 40960 A000 starting with that year, all 4-character hex notations until FFFF will start with a letter and distinguish the notation even better from other systems of year notation.
-5020 44032 AC00
-4096 45056 B000 Start of the Bxxx-years.
0 49152 C000 until 4095 CE all years start with the letter C. The Cxxx-years.
2000 51152 C7D0
4096 53248 D000 the upcoming change of the first character in 4-digit notation, the Dxxx-years
10000 59152 E710 CE calendar needs 5 digits
16383 65535 FFFF the last year that can be expressed with 4 digits in hex notation.


ETS = Equal-tempered scale with A4=435.921023988 Hz, which is 0.99072959997 of ISO 16 defined A4=440 Hz.

A4@440 Hz : 440*(60*60*24) cycles per day = 38016000 cpd. That is 2^(25.1801034055) cpd, in hex notation 2^(0x19.2E1B41BC854E556FEB6CC2).

2^(...) Oscillation per day Oscillation per hexsec (day/65536) Hz ETS
0x0 2^0 = 0x0 2^(-16) = 1 1/(60*60*24) = 0.00001157407 G-21
0x10 2^16 = 0x 1 0000 2^0 = 1 = 0x1 (2^16)/(60*60*24) = 0.75851851851 G-5
0x14 2^20 = 0x 10 0000 2^4 = 16 = 0x10 (2^20)/(60*60*24) = 12.1362962963 G-1
0x15 2^21 = 0x 20 0000 2^5 = 32 = 0x20 (2^21)/(60*60*24) = 24.2725925926 G0
0x16 2^22 = 0x 40 0000 2^6 = 64 = 0x40 (2^22)/(60*60*24) = 48.5451851852 G1
0x17 2^23 = 0x 80 0000 2^7 = 128 = 0x80 (2^23)/(60*60*24) = 97.0903703704 G2
0x18 2^24 = 0x 100 0000 2^8 = 256 = 0x100 (2^24)/(60*60*24) = 194.180740741 G3
0x19 2^25 = 0x 200 0000 2^9 = 512 = 0x200 (2^25)/(60*60*24) = 388.361481481 G4
0x19.155555555 2^25*2^(1/12) 2^9*2^(1/12)=542.445104312 (2^25)/(60*60*24)*2^(1/12) = 411.4546569 Gis4
0x19.2AAAAAAAA 2^25*2^(2/12) 2^9*2^(2/12)=574.700568734 (2^25)/(60*60*24)*2^(2/12) = 435.921023988 A4
0x19.4 2^25*2^(3/12)=2^(25.25) 2^9*2^(3/12)=2^(9.25)=608.874042881 (2^25)/(60*60*24)*2^(3/12) = 461.842236971 Ais4
0x19.55555555 2^25*2^(4/12) 2^9*2^(4/12)=645.079577546 (2^25)/(60*60*24)*2^(4/12) = 489.304805487 B4
0x19.6AAAAAAAA 2^25*2^(5/12) 2^9*2^(5/12)=683.438005335 (2^25)/(60*60*24)*2^(5/12) = 518.400383306 C4
0x19.8 2^25*2^(6/12)=2^(25.5) 2^9*2^(6/12)=724.077343935 (2^25)/(60*60*24)*2^(6/12) = 549.226074214 Cis4
0x20 2^26 = 0x 400 0000 2^10 = 1024 = 0x400 (2^26)/(60*60*24) = 776.722962963 G4

Chemical elements